
采购专员(Procurement Specialist) 10k~13k

本科及以上 三年以上 内蒙古-呼和浩特市

更新时间: 2024-08-06

外商独资 1000人以上


招聘日期: 2024-05-23 ~ 2024-08-06



1、Identify opportunities for cost reduction through spend analysis, develop procurement strategy together with stakeholders, prepare and conduct bidding process, analyze, award, communicate, roll out and implement the strategy.通过支出分析确定降低成本的机会,与利益相关者一起制定采购策略,准备和实施投标流程,分析,授予,沟通,推出和实施策略。

2、Conduct purchases of commodities including equipment, spare parts, consumables, supplies and services required for Production Operation and other business functions from approved suppliers.从经批准的供应商处采购生产经营和其他业务所需的设备、备件、耗材、耗材和服务等商品。

3、Identify, qualify and manage capable suppliers for those commodities mentioned, and maintain the vendor list. 识别、鉴定和管理有能力的供应商,并维护供应商清单。

4、 Develop bid lists, inquiry (PFQ/RFP) packages, negotiation strategy for procurement assignments. 制定投标清单,询价(PFQ/RFP)包,采购谈判策略。

5、Negotiate with suppliers on the commercial terms. 与供应商就商业条款进行谈判。

6、Prepare PO's or purchase contracts with all agreed terms and complete technical specifications using SAP system. 使用SAP系统准备采购订单或采购合同,并完成技术规格。

7、 Expedite PO execution and shipment/delivery. 加快订单的执行和发货。

8、Measure supplier’s performance and manage the supplier relationship effectively. 衡量供应商绩效,有效管理供应商关系。

9、Implement and comply with company purchasing procedures/policies/guidelines/best practices. 执行并遵守公司采购程序/政策/指导方针/最佳实践。

10、Maintain the purchasing database and documentation in accordance with predetermined practices. 按照预定的做法维护采购数据库和文件。

11、Prepare purchasing statistics and reports as required. 根据要求准备采购统计数据和报告。

12、To perform any other related duties and responsibilities as directed by superiors. 完成上级安排的其他相关职责。


1、 This position requires a minimum of Bachelor degree in business or engineering. 本职位要求本科以上学历,商务或工程专业。

2、Minimum of 7 years working experience in technical or commercial。至少7年的技术或商务工作经验。

3、Experience working in the chemical, oil and gases, or mechanical industry。有化工、油气或机械行业工作经验。

4、Knowledge of sourcing and purchasing operation work processes. 熟悉采购工作流程。

5、In-depth knowledge of SAP system in the requisition and processing of Purchase Orders. 对采购订单在SAP系统的申请和流程有深入的了解。

6、Excellent communication (written and oral), interpersonal, negotiation and project management skills. 优秀的沟通(书面和口头),人际关系,谈判和项目管理技能。

7、Fluency in English is preferred. 英语流利者优先。