
模具工程师 8k~10k

大专 五年以上 江苏-太仓市

更新时间: 2018-06-15

合资/合作 100 - 499人


招聘日期: 2018-06-15 ~ 2018-07-15


1. 跟踪模具进度是否按时,确认模具技术问题.在模具发货前验收模具是否符合要求 Following tool on schedule and confirm tool technic issues. Accept tool before delivery 2. 设计一些简单的、功能单一的设备及夹具; To design some simple single function devices. 3. 与模具供应商沟通,跟踪模具制造的时间表; To communication with the tooling supplier tracing the timeline of tooling manufacturing; 4. 评审产品开发过程中的制造可行性,提供经济有效的技术方案; Reviews product drawings for manufacturing feasibility and recommends design changes as required for compliance with manufacturing capabilities, cost and product performance. 5. 参加相关的试模活动,确保模具能按照设计生产出符合质量的产品。 Attends tooling tryouts at the tool shops and plants to assure that the tool is producing a quality part per the math or print data and to sign off the tool to the plant. 6. 负责新模具和的模具修改估价、以及项目移交到工厂之前的模具的维护及管理。 Estimates the cost of new tooling and tooling that requires engineering changes. Conduct tooling management and maintenance before program hand over the plants. 其他要求: 1、大专及以上学历,5年以上的汽车模具相关工作经验; College degree or above. A minimum of 5 years Automotive tooling experience is required. 2、基本的英语能力(包括听、说、读、写) Basic English skill, including listening, speaking, reading and writing. 3、熟悉模具材料及制造工艺, 热冷成型修边模具, 发泡模具.尤其注塑模具. Familiar with tooling material and manufacturing process , Hot or cold moulding and pinch tool, Foaming tool. Especially injection tool. 4、最好有最少3年汽车软内饰工作经验, 3 years automotive interior working experience as better 5、有2年的模具设计经验将会优先选择 2 years tool design experience will be a plus. 6、熟练应用各种CAD软件并具备很强的学习能力. Ability to use AutoCAD, Catia, UGNX and MS Office. Strong learning capability. 7、能够同产品工程师和项目经理良好的沟通支持,有序高效的管理模具开发项目 Good to communicate with product engineer and support project manager. Ordered and efficient management of tooling development. 8、掌握如何评估和管理,培训模具供应商 Know how to estimate and manage, training tooling supplier. 9、基本能同国外同事进行一些必须的技术沟通和支持 Able to communicate with colleague in Pelzer worldwide branch company, and give support.