
总经理秘书 10k~15k

本科 经验不限 上海

更新时间: 2018-11-29

合资/合作 1000人以上


招聘日期: 2018-11-29 ~ 2019-02-27


工作职责: 1、英语专业或德语专业(英语专业八级、德语专业八级); Major in English and German (TEM8). 2、负责翻译工作(包括文档翻译和口译); Be responsible for the translation work (both written and oral). 3、能接受不定时出差且较为吃苦耐劳。 Accept business trips and be hard-working. 任职要求: 1、全日制本科及以上学历; Bachelor degree or above. 2、掌握英语或德语听说读写技能,能用外语进行日常工作交流; With basic skill of English or German; can communicate with foreign language in daily work. 3、具有学习力,执行能力,沟通能力和理解能力; With learning ability, executive ability, communication skills and understanding ability. 4、具备优良的思想品德,并能够认同公司经营理念和核心价值观; With good moral characters, identify with company’s managing concept and core values. 5、工作积极认真、热情、有责任心。 Enthusiastic,passionate and responsible for work.