
Assistant Production Manager (SMT) 10k~12k

大专 五年以上 广东-东莞市

更新时间: 2017-05-24

外商独资 50 - 99人


招聘日期: 2017-05-24 ~ 2017-07-23


职责范围 1.全面统筹SMT车间生产现场、工程技术等日常管理工作,依生产计划,合理安排,按时按量完成产品的SMT加工/Overall manage the production team and engineer team, Make effective product and material plan and Organize SMT to meet on-time delivery based on customer’s shipment schedule; 2.通过人员培训和监督管理,管控好SMT制成品质,良率需要达到公司的品质目标/Provide effective training to subordinate, and monitor their operation to be qualified; control the whole process of SMT to meet the quality target of ITC. 3. 负责生产过程中的安全措施,定期检查并及时排除SMT车间的安全隐患,确保车间环境舒适安全/Be responsible for the safety during SMT running, regular check and eliminate safety risk, Create a safety and comfortable environment for operators; 4.根据实际生产需求改良设备,精简人力/ According to shipment plan, make a reasonable headcount plan; 5.安排制定SMT设备保养计划,并监督实施,减少因设备故障降低产能耽误生产/Make and implement regular maintenance plan to SMT equipment strictly to improve efficiency of SMT; 6.严格控制制成报废和材料丢失,降低生产成本/Control the material rejected loss and miss to reduce unit product cost of ITC; 7.对打样和NPI过程中出现的问题进行反馈/Be responsible for the NPI at SMT phase, keep full communication with related departments during NPI; 8.现场纪律和6S管理和维护/Manage the 6S and Discipline of SMT workshop。 9. Understand quality requirements for SMT parts. Be familiar with IPC610 soldering standard. 任职要求: 1.五年以上SMT生产现场管理经验 ;Five years SMT working experience in SMT or quality department. 2.大专以上学历,机电一体化和机械自动化专业,理工专业;英语良好,能交流。/ Above College degree, Major in Electrical Engineering or mechanical automation;Good command of English. 3. 熟悉贴片SMT工艺流程及品质标准;熟悉印刷机,Yamaha系列贴片机、回流焊、AOI等设备的工作原理;对人员的管控和协调有较丰富的经验;对SMT物料有较深的认识,并有丰富的管理经验; /Be familiar with SMT process and IPC610; Be known well with the equipment including printer, Yamaha Mounting machine, Reflow and AOI. Have rich experiences on human resource and SMT materials. ; 4.执行、沟通、分析能力强,能承受极大的工作压力、有一定的团队提升能力,有一定的判断、思考、语言表达能力,有良好的工作心态与上进心/Good executive force and communication skill, can work under pressure, good attitude and teamwork spirit。