
产品经理/Product Manager 5k~8k

本科 三年以上 湖北-武汉市

更新时间: 2018-06-13

外商独资 50 - 99人


招聘日期: 2018-06-13 ~ 2018-07-13


岗位职责: 1. 负责战略性采购及销售的技术支持; Technical support for strategic purchasing and sales; 2. 参与处理解决内外部技术类问题或答疑; Participation in solving technical issues, internal or at customers; 3. 负责制定康稳中国区域产品的定价流程; Pricing definiation for products of CoE China; 4.产品文档的创建,包括目录、数据表、安装/调试手册; Product documentation creation, including catalogs, data sheet, installation/commissioning manuals; 5. 根据集团战略和市场信息做到持续改进; Continuous improvement, according to group strategy and markets information; 6. 建立我们的产品路线图。 To build our product roadmap.

任职要求: 1.机械或机电工程类相关专业,至少3年及以上在工业领域的工作经验; Bachelor of Machanical Engineering, at least 3 years working experience in industrial field; 2.熟练各种Office办公软件; Proficient in MS Office WORD, EXCEL, Visio etc. 3.良好沟通能力,沟通中具有一定影响力,高度的责任感,团队精神,合作态度,工作主动; Good communication ability, has certain influence in the communication, high sense of responsibility, team spirit and cooperative attitude, work initiative; 4.熟悉工业机械类产品,如桥式吊车、STS,轮胎式龙门吊,RMG卸船机、装船机、堆垛机和取料机; Familiar with industrial machinery, such as overhead crane, STS, RTG, RMG, Shipunloader, Shiploader, Stacker & Reclaimer; 5.能适应偶尔出差者优先考虑。 Business trip is needed.

福利待遇: 1.正规外企,8小时工作制,双休,包工作餐,每月工资当月结算发放; 2.国家规定的五险一金,以及各大节假日福利津贴; 3.正式员工享有带薪年休假; 3.补充商业医疗保险,可报销平时门诊费用; 4.员工各大节假日福利,生日贺礼,结婚贺礼及生育贺礼等。 更多详情可访问公司官网:http://www.conductix.com.cn/