

北京信邦同安电子有限公司是信邦集团在华北地区投资的分公司。信邦成立于公元1989年,为提供电子零件整合设计与制造服务的领导厂商。顺应科技产业的快速发展和日益激增的市场需求,信邦致力于产品研发和强化员工专业知识,以求达到客户的技术要求,并提供客户满意且完整的解决方案。 信邦为客户提供拥有一流品质的专业线束产品、PCB Assmbly产品、集成模组(Sub-unit)、电子零组件、成套产品及整合服务解决方案。这些产品被广泛应用于医疗器材、新能源、汽车电子、工业控制和消费性电子等领域。 信邦于北京、上海、江苏、深圳、安徽、日本、韩国、英国和美国等地广布据点,架起市场和商业信息可相互整合及交换的资源网络。透过此一网络,信邦可以快速响应客户的需求、加速订单的处理、缩短生产与交货时程、降低设计与开发成本,提供客户无国界和无时差的服务与支持。此外,从原物料搜寻、产品接单、打样与制造到售后服务,信邦提供了客户最愉悦的合作环境、且可以将客户对产品的初步构想转化为高质量、高效能的产品。 SINBON Electronics, founded in 1989, is a leading solution provider of electronic component integration design and manufacturing, offering an extensive range of value-added services to our customers in IT, automotives, industrial control, medical,renewable energy and even consumer electronics industries. Our global presence in Beijing,Shanghai,Jiangsu, Shenzhen,Anhui,Japan, Korea, the U.K. and the United States enables us to process individual orders faster, condense both large and small product order-to-delivery timelines, accelerate production deadlines, reduce design and development costs and provide clients immediate service and support. From material sourcing, product inquiries, sampling and manufacturing to after-sales service, SINBON ensures that customers are given the best service as well as the best environment for cooperation. We guarantee our customers will be delighted as their inspired ideas are turned into superior products. Today we are not just looking for employees, but we are searching for long-term working partners who have a proactive attitude and are willing to change their life. Please give us a try and take advantage of this excellent opportunity. 我们不是在征人,而是在寻找长久的工作伙伴。我们欢迎态度积极、希望改变自己一生的人加入信邦这个大家庭。请给我们机会与您一同打拼,也给您自己一个机会认识信邦。 公司网站: http://www.sinbon.com 我们为您提供: 五险一金(养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险、生育保险、住房公积金) 具有竞争性的薪酬福利待遇,年度奖金及红利分配 带薪年休假 员工集体宿舍或享有住房补助 通勤班车 各种福利礼品及礼金(结婚礼金、生育补助金、慰问金、中秋礼品、春节红包等) 年度免费健康体检 年度旅游 由员工福利委员会组办的各种社团活动,及其他相关休闲福利 计划性教育训练体系,系统性的专业培训,富有挑战性的个人发展机遇