

Eglo China 东莞怡高照明商业有限公司是欧洲EGLO集团在中国东莞的全资子公司,是EGLO集团在中国的总部,全权负责EGLO集团在中国各子公司的管理事项,并负责在中国地区所有EGLO集团产品的销售事项。 EGLO集团在全球六十多个国家和地区拥有自已的终端销售网络,在欧洲和中国分别有多家自已的制造工厂,在中国东莞有东莞东进照明有限公司和东莞杰光灯饰有限公司两个子公司,东进照明拥有员工超过2000人,东莞杰光灯饰员工约500人。 EGLO集团拥有超过40年以上的历史,从灯饰配件制造到成品组装,再到全球终端销售,EGLO拥有一条龙的灯饰生产到客户终端销售及服务,在全球具有卓越的核心竞争力!EGLO品牌在欧洲甚至全球灯饰市场拥有高度的美誉度。 Elite Lighting 东莞杰光灯饰有限公司为欧洲知名灯饰品牌EGLO下属全资子公司(外资企业)。公司主要生产各类室内照明灯具、节能灯、商业照明、LED等灯具,以现代灯饰为主,以古典灯饰为辅。 员工福利: 我们重视员工的才能、工作热情与努力,随着公司的发展,公司也不断提高员工的福利待遇。 安全、开放、信任的工作环境。 五天八小时工作制,享有法定假日、婚假、产假、有薪年假等带薪假。 东莞怡高照明商业有限公司 东莞杰光灯饰有限公司 地址:东莞市东城区上桥工业大道1号 公司附近公交站点:“上桥”,途径公交车:19, 24, 25, 55,C3, K3, K4, L2 应聘办公室职位和工程师职位,敬请提供中英文简历。 公司网址: www.eglo.com Dongguan Elite Lighting Co., Ltd. Address: No. 1 of Shangqiao Industrial Road, Dongcheng District, Dongguan Established: April 28, 2006. Business scope(Subject to Business License) Production and sales of the lamp and its components. Wholesale, import and export and warehousing of the lamp and its components. “EGLO IS A FAMILY ENTERPRISE WITH Tyrolean roots, but at home all over the world. The exciting blend of Austrian traditions and the various cultural influences from our distribution companies are the basis for our varied and creative product range.” Over the last years the EGLO group has evolved into one of the leading manufacturers of decorative interior lighting. Meanwhile, the company has become a major player on the world market: In current year more than 18 million luminaires were marketed in over 132 countries on all continents. With about 90 per cent of the product range having been developed by us, EGLO ensures the greatest possible independence when introducing new product solutions and we are extremely competitive due to the high quality levels of our manufacturing plants in Hungary, China and India.