

麦克维尔欢迎您的加入 1872年,麦克维尔成立于美国明尼苏达州明尼亚波斯市,经过140多年的发展,麦克维尔已成为世界上最大的制造和销售制冷、通风、空调、采暖和空气净化设备的专业公司之一。 麦克维尔在全球三大洲拥有13家工厂,通过遍布全球各地的公司、办事处和销售网络,为各国客户提供灵活多样的产品、专业的应用设计和可靠的服务支持。 20世纪90年代后,麦克维尔产品开始进入中国,经过10多年的发展,先后于1992年、1995年、2002年分别成立了麦克维尔深圳、麦克维尔武汉、麦克维尔苏州三家制造基地,并成立了22家销售分公司、15间事务所和80多家办事处。麦克维尔提供全线的高质量产品和专业的解决方案来满足顾客的各类需求,以实现***运行方案、创造最舒适的环境,并为客户节约成本,为此麦克维尔在国际间享有盛誉。 作为一家国际化的企业集团,麦克维尔立足全球,实行人才共享机制。与此同时,麦克维尔着眼未来,十分重视公司自身人才队伍的培养与储备。 麦克维尔的目标是选拔最适合的人才,为您提供具有市场竞争力的薪资和福利待遇、给予您完善的培训体系和广阔的发展空间,培养出优秀的员工,与公司共同发展,达到双赢!如果您正在寻找与行业的全球领先者合作的机会,如果您想寻求一份可以带来成就感与自豪感的工作,那么,我们真诚地欢迎您申请麦克维尔的职位。 欢迎您加入麦克维尔,我们将为您提供一个平等的机会,麦克维尔诚挚邀请您与我们共同开创美好的明天!详请访问公司网站www.mcquay.com或www.mcquay.com.cn 应聘者可直接投简历至邮箱whhr@mcquay.com.cn 联系人:白小姐,联系电话:027-59408624。                 welcome to mcquay mcquay was founded in 1872 in the minneapolis of minnesotan in usa. for more than 140 years development, mcquay has become one of the biggest manufacture and sales company in hvac field. with 13 factories and worldwide service net, mcquay provides engineered, flexible system solutions for our clients with various products, professional design and reliable support. after 1990s,the products of mcquay entered china market.after 10 years of development,mcquay set up three manufacturing factories: mcquay shenzhen in1992, mcquaywuhan in1995, mcquay suzhou in2002 with 22 sales branches,15 firms and more than eighty sales offices in china. mcquay enjoys a worldwide reputation by providing full line of quality products and professional solution to meet the demands of our customers for the best operating schemes and most comfortable air-conditioning environment.at the same time,saving the running cost for our customers as an international enterprise, mcquay implements talent sharing mechanism based on the world, attaching great importance to the reserve and training of talents with an eye towards future. mcquay offers outstanding opportunities for people who are seeking challenging and rewarding positions. our success hinges upon our ability to attract, develop and retain the very best people. if you are seeking job satisfaction and the feeling of pride that comes with working for an industry global leader, we welcome you to apply for positions with us. welcome to mcquay international, it is an equal opportunity employer! let us create a bright future together!